Thursday, February 8, 2007

The Game is ON!

Ohmy gosh! Ohmygosh! My ultra-favorite fundy ex-tv star, Kiiiiiirk Cameron and his super fun-buddy Ray "Comfort" Comfort have a game out!

Design vs Evolution

Oh I can't wait to play it! Although, I will likely play it as poorly as I play all other games and ultimately prove evolution, but we'll have to wait!

Here's what the website says along with my [parenthetical] comments!

“Intelligent Design versus Evolution” is unique in that the playing-pieces are small rubber brains [because you can hit a rubber brain with a hammer and it still functions the same opposed to a real brain!], and each team plays for “brain” cards [that's ironic]. Each player uses his or her brains to get more brains [Like some sorta ZOMBIE], and the team with the most brains wins. It has been designed to make people think [irony meter pegging] . . . and that’s exactly what it does. It is evangelistic, educational, entertaining [pick any two!] and comes with a free copy of the award-winning DVD “The Science of Evolution.”
Oh Santa, pleases bring me one this summer!

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